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Welcome, Women Leaders!

As an executive-level leader in a nonprofit, I know that it’s easy to lose focus on who you are as a leader and

what your higher purpose is. Do any of the following sound familiar?

  • You sometimes find yourself managing the organization and being the “jack of all trades”.

  • You feel like you answer to everyone and yet you also feel like you are on an island.

  • You feel like you're expected to do it all.

  • You are suddenly finding yourself disconnected from the mission and purpose that originally attracted you to the work.


Words “unfulfilled” or “unempowered” may come to mind as you try to navigate the unique push and pull

of a non-profit organization, who you are as a leader, and finding the balance between work and life.

Are your personal relationships and/or health suffering because you're feeling frustrated and lack direction?


Do you want to reconnect to that spark that puts you on the path, but the isolation, and lack of energy has you

unsure of where to start?


You are not alone. I understand, and I am here to help. It’s time to take a step back and start focusing on yourself…

  • Rediscover your higher purpose

  • Explore your leadership style

  • Connect with your authentic self

  • Emerge as a self-actualized leader

Meet Your Coach
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Hi, I'm Michelle...


I guide executive level women in non-profits through the journey of becoming self-actualized leaders so they feel more fulfilled in their career and personal life. This involves working with leaders to reflect on and maximize their higher purpose, education & experience, leadership and communication style, authenticity, and resiliency. 


As an empowerment coach, my role is to be YOUR...


ADVOCATE...guiding you through the process to identify your strengths, challenges, authentic self, and higher purpose.


ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER...ensuring that you stay energized and motivated and focused on your goals.


Are you ready to take the journey to define your higher purpose and find fulfillment in your leadership and career?

Check out my program offerings here


Schedule a Discovery Call below...

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Schedule a Discovery Call with Michelle 
Complete the form and I will email you to schedule.

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